We 3 bet with AK and miss the flop. How do we decide if and when we should bluff with our hand?
If you want to call in with a hand or question for Bart use the number 323 348 1281. The show streams live each Monday at 4:45 P.M. PT. right here at youtube.com/crushlivepoker/live To keep updated of schedule changes to the live stream follow @CrushLivePoker on twitter.
CrushLiveCallIns will be taking a short hiatus for the WSOP between June 4th, 2018- July 16th Live shows will come back on July 23rd, 2018.
►►► Keep learning with me over at http://www.crushlivepoker.com/ Sign up for my poker training & improve your poker strategy quick over on my site! We have a 30 day free trial just go here: https://goo.gl/r9K1Rq or use the code YTA200 at checkout.
Find more of Bart Hanson’s Poker Training at:
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Graphics – Peter O’Neill